Arnold—Great column. I see why it was a winner. I am currently re-reading Sir Martin Gilbert’s (no relation) “The Holocaust, A Human Tragedy” which documents thousands of the millions of the crimes against innocent people. So hard to read when I consider that it was going on in Europe when I was an infant safe and sound in America. As I read Gilbert’s history I had a feeling of “survivor’s guilt”.

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Thanks, Richard. The best and most important Holocaust stories are the hardest to read. I pulled Ellie Weisel's Night off the shelf recently; it one of the book-banning targets. When I first read Night (2006. when a new translation was released) I inscribed copies of it for all the kids. Thinking about a column tying all of this together.

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Wow-30 years already since Schindler’s List was released! Thanks for this column.

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