Thank you Arnold-- great piece again. So critical that we discuss and promote these simple solutions like cover crops, no-till, buffer strips, prairie strips, grassed waterways, terraces, tree plots, wetlands, wild areas.... rather than taking our resources for granted. I wish we could focus on our waters, soils, and air rather than being distracted by fleeing to another planet. Might help to just reduce our flying and driving for a day and encourage everyone to dig up five gallons of backyard or field see what Iowa is made of.
Great observations and such insightful solutions. Thanks for both parts 1 and 2!
Thank you Arnold-- great piece again. So critical that we discuss and promote these simple solutions like cover crops, no-till, buffer strips, prairie strips, grassed waterways, terraces, tree plots, wetlands, wild areas.... rather than taking our resources for granted. I wish we could focus on our waters, soils, and air rather than being distracted by fleeing to another planet. Might help to just reduce our flying and driving for a day and encourage everyone to dig up five gallons of backyard or field see what Iowa is made of.