Excellent column. Thank you for all these facts. Mr. K Jr has been a crackpot and charlatan so long that he’s fooling many people. Like the Republican candidate for President.

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An important cautionary tale.

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From Midwestern Doctor substack (https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-smallpox-pandemic-response-was), part of a pretty comprehensive warning about accepting vaccination as the miracle cure:

Initially Jenner’s claims (first published in 1798) were met with much skepticism, as many physicians had observed patients develop cowpox and subsequently smallpox, and others questioned the basic validity of his studies (one physician who tested 3 children with Jenner’s vaccine found all 3 subsequently developed smallpox after inoculation, with similar results obtained by other physicians). Nonetheless, the practice gradually caught on, became a larger share of physician income, became more and more popular within the medical field, and over the next hundred years, the number of dissenting physicians gradually diminished. However, what is relatively unknown now is that many did speak out, and published literature with data showing serious issues with the vaccine.

Some examples are as follows:

Dr. Woodville, in 1799, after having administered the vaccination to many children stated, “…in several instances, the cowpox has proved a very severe disease. In three or four cases out of 500, the patient has been in considerable danger, and one child actually died.”

In 1809, the medical observer reported on over a dozen cases of often fatal smallpox contracted after vaccination (frequently occurring a year after vaccination), while the 1810 medical observer contained 535 cases of smallpox after vaccination (97 that were fatal), and 150 cases of severe vaccine injuries.

An 1817 London Medical Repository Monthly Journal and Review likewise found that many people who received the smallpox vaccination were still experiencing smallpox.

In 1818, Thomas Brown, a surgeon of 30 years and ardent proponent of vaccination, after vaccinating 1200 people stated: “The accounts from all quarters of the world, wherever vaccination has been introduced… the cases of failures are now increased to an alarming proportion.”

In 1829, the Lancet describing a recent outbreak stated “It attacked many who had had small-pox before, and often severely; almost to death; and of those who had been vaccinated, it left some alone, but fell upon great numbers.”

In 1845 George Greogory M.D. reported: “In the 1844 smallpox epidemic, about one-third of the vaccinated contracted a mild form of smallpox, but roughly 8 percent of those vaccinated still died, and nearly two-thirds had severe disease”.

Because of the genuine concerns against the immunizations, widespread resistance existed in the public towards the immunization practices. As the press was less censored at this time, there were frequent reports of deaths from smallpox in properly vaccinated citizens, as well as deaths from other conditions after vaccination.

In 1829, William Cobbett, a farmer, journalist, and English pamphleteer, wrote, in addressing the failures of vaccination: “Why, that in hundreds of instances, persons cow-poxed by JENNER HIMSELF [William Cobbett’s capital emphasis], have taken the real small-pox afterwards, and have either died from the disorder, or narrowly escaped with their lives!”

A 1850 letter to the “Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle, ” claimed there were more admissions to the London Small-Pox Hospital in 1844 than during the smallpox epidemic of 1781 before vaccination began, and that one-third of the deaths from smallpox were in people who had previously been vaccinated.

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