In addition to banning phosphorus in Minnesota lawn and turf fertilizers there is also a voluntary association, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates that awards a "Shoreline Steward" plaque for shorelines maintained in a natural state with minimal recreational disruption. It also lobbies effectively in St. Paul for aquatic health rules and programs.
Thanks, Bob. Good possible follow-up items.
Managing the vegetation and algae with herbicides would certainly be the Iowa way. What could possibly go wrong?
Thanks for this information, I look forward to part 2. I'd never heard of Curlyleaf Pondweed before, thanks for the lesson.
In addition to banning phosphorus in Minnesota lawn and turf fertilizers there is also a voluntary association, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates that awards a "Shoreline Steward" plaque for shorelines maintained in a natural state with minimal recreational disruption. It also lobbies effectively in St. Paul for aquatic health rules and programs.