Thanks for this upbeat article! I really think his Midwestern and rural roots give great balance to the ticket. Plus he has experience both in Congress and as a governor. Now if only he drank coffee instead of Mt. Dew...

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Thank you for this great analysis. I hope you're right and this will bring the US to a more appeased future.

Growing up on a farm is not a guaranty of being sensible (I've seen crazy people growing up on an organic farm), but I agree that this will bring a more "down to earth" aspect to our politics.

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Arnold, as always this is a treasure trove of information. Thank you for this great article.

I listened to part of a speech from Walz , and he is certainly saying all the right things.

We shall see what Nov brings!

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Thank you, Ellie.

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In addition I’m pretty sure his connections to education and football will be huge assets....

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